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Jaguar—Experience Activation

How we put a video game into a car.

Race the Pace is a tech-driven test drive experience which seamlessly connected the very real sporting luxury of the Jaguar F-PACE to the performance experience and fun of Microsoft’s award-winning Forza Motorsport.

600 hours of coding later and anyone could accurately experience the F-PACE with no speed limits, no traffic and no car dealer in the back seat. Just the legendary straights and corners of Silverstone.

Jaguar F PACE FORZA4 Orange
Jag Race the Pace Event 2
Jag Magazine5
Ipad landing Page2

As the Race the Pace experience toured the country, supported by a range of media activity, it attracted record numbers into Jaguar dealerships for a less intimidating, more accessible test-drive experience.

Annual Target 2000 - achieved 3500 during campaign. Exceeded test drives by 37.5%.
Annual Target 2000 - achieved 3500 during campaign. Exceeded test drives by 37.5%.
Next: Bauhaus—Brand Identity