For the good of the great outdoors
This supercool client came to us with an idea: high quality hiking and camping gear you can rent, instead of purchasing expensive gear you only use once in a while. Or cheap gear you use once and throw away.
It offers more freedom to campers and hikers, and it’s better for the great outdoors. Our task? Give the company a name, a brand, and an identity that worked for their unique offering in the outdoor lifestyle category. The brand needed to evoke a sense of freedom and circularity.

For the name, we landed on PackBack – Packs you give Back, referencing the circularity of their offering.
The colours were inspired by nature, but work beautifully in a digital space (where most people will experience the brand first).
The logotype features soft serifs and upward strokes that evoke a sense of optimism and nature.
Overall, the brand design system provides a rich and expressive visual language that can evolve into the future.