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STIHL—How to Guide

Helping Kiwis blast, saw, trim, and lmao their way to their dream backyard.


STIHL’s range of outdoor tools are user-friendly.

But while the tools themselves are easy to operate, the instruction manuals don’t tell gardeners how to stack their freshly cut firewood correctly, or get that cool stripey effect on their lawns.

We were tasked with creating a series of useful how-to guides that would help Kiwi gardeners get the most from their tools (and hopefully reduce the number of enquiries to the STIHL NZ head office). But the videos also needed to work for the STIHL brand and carry their tone of voice.

On the STIHL website, the videos were broken down into steps, making them easy for users to navigate.

STIHL How To Homepage

243,000 completed views on YouTube and 2,336 click-throughs on a little over $17,000 media spend.


Next: AJ Hackett—Brand Platform